Visual and Optical Testing (VT)
Course Objective:
The most basic NDT method is VISION ACUITY EXAMINATION. Visual examiners follow procedures that range from simply looking at a part to see if surface imperfections are visible, to using computer controlled camera systems to automatically recognize and measure mostly hidden or remote features of a component.
COURSE CONTENT (Modified as per client’s job needs):
Aims of visual inspection (VT), Fundamentals of VT, Symbols and diagrams, Welding processes / Manufacturing Processes and their applications, Primary / secondary / tertiary processes, Their inherent or associated defects, Aids in VT, Micrometer, Calipers, Remote VT, Digital cameras, Base material discontinuities, Process discontinuities, Other methods, Documentation.
Introduction to VT systems, their merits and criteria for selection, use of standard test blocks for calibration, sensitivity setting, detecting/ judging/sizing/locating flaws on specimens with known flaws, Aids to VT and their advantages, Reporting.